The Pensacola City Council has granted a 30-day extension for Inspired Communities of Florida to present a lease agreement for a significant development at the Community Maritime Park.
November is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. Locally, the annual Walk to End Alzheimer’s is this Sunday afternoon at 3, at Community Maritime Park. This…
A big crowd is expected to put in some miles and raise some money this Saturday during the annual Walk for Epilepsy. The event will support the local…
Blue Wahoos Stadium will be alive with all sorts of heroes this weekend with the annual Steps For Autism event. "This is a fun, family event with lots of…
For the second year in a row, a University of West Florida freshman seminar class focused on the theme of community has studied the quality of Pensacola…
The late Vince Whibbs was enshrined at Community Maritime Park on Saturday, with the unveiling of a statue honoring the seven-term Pensacola mayor and…
Pensacola wants just over two million dollars in RESTORE Act funding, to build a marina at Community Maritime Park.Rebecca Ferguson, the city’s Economic…
"There are two things that are important in politics. the first is money and I just can't remember the second." That’s Nancy Bocskor with a quote from…
It appears that rumors of a rift between Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward and businessman Quint Studer are overblown or without merit. Both feel they’re…
A proposed multi-million dollar project at Community Maritime Park has been scrapped, after the City of Pensacola rejected the proposed leases for three…