Families, caregivers, charities and research groups across the United States observe September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month."Over the last 30 to 40…
A new study from The Centers for Disease Control shows more children than ever are being diagnosed with autism. As recently as 2002, the CDC reported the…
Local MusicAugust is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month. And while nursing is the most natural and usually the healthiest option for a newborn, most new mothers…
Beginning next month, kids from low-income families in the western Panhandle will get better access to medical and dental care.Sacred Heart Health…
Mardi Gras-Pensacola style kicked off January 6 and runs through Fat Tuesday, February 28. The merriment also provides help to local residents in…
"When I was taking classes, autism was this little paragraph in a book. not a chapter, not a whole book, it was a little paragraph." Debbie Keremes is…
Hospital officials, community leaders and the media gathered at Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola Tuesday morning for the groundbreaking of the new…
Officials at Sacred Heart Health System are in the midst of observing their past, while also looking to the future. On Monday, they announced plans for a…