The Spanish built at least 58 forts in Florida, and almost all were made of wood. But there is one incredible exception: the 17th century stone fortress in St. Augustine.
The Spanish built nine wooden forts in St. Augustineover the course of its first 100 years. But after British buccaneer Robert Searles sacked the town in 1668, raiding homes, destroying all the buildings and churches, and taking all the Blacks and Indians he could find to sell into slavery, the Spanish Queen (Mariana) had had enough. She financed the building of a huge stone fortress to protect the settlement.
The fort was made of locally available materials: coquina limestone and lime mortar made from burning oyster shells. Started in 1675, it was built by over 300 by Indian laborers and Spanish soldiers and it was a state-of-the-art European fortress named the Castillo de San Marcus (St. Marks Castle). Although it took 25 years to complete, within two years, it was defensible and it was never taken by force.
Enhanced over the centuries, the Castillo still stands today and is one of the most visited National Parks in the country.