Because of the coronavirus, schools systems across Florida began gearing up for distance learning about a month ago. Now four weeks into the process, WUWF…
Local school districts are making plans on the fly as the response to the coronavirus continues to evolve. If there was any good news for local school…
In the aftermath of the deadly mass shooting last year at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in south Florida, school safety and security has been…
Summer is over for students in Northwest Florida, as they head back to class Monday for the start of the 2019-2020 school year.There is a lot of optimism…
Gov. Rick Scott’s call for the release of $58 million to beef up school safety appears to be falling on the deaf ears of one incoming legislative…
In part two of “Back to School,” WUWF’s Dave Dunwoody sits down with Santa Rosa County Superintendent Tim Wyrosdick, and what that district is facing in…
Betsy DeVos’ confirmation as U.S. Education Secretary is drawing praise from supporters and derision from opponents. Meanwhile, a couple of local school…
First, the good news: statewide, the number of failing schools was cut in half. When it comes to school districts, the results were mixed. Not a single…
The new school year starts next week and area educators are hoping this year’s innovations will turn last year’s disruptions into distant memories. "We're…
After a very shaky roll out last week, the first round of writing tests for the new Florida Education Standards have been taken by 8th, 9th and 10th…