A one-room schoolhouse in Callaway is now restored after it sustained significant damage from Hurricane Michael. Three years ago, the storm blew the more than a century-old schoolhouse off its foundation, tore up its roof, and shattered its glass windows.
On the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Michael devastating parts of the Florida Panhandle, Gov. Ron DeSantis attended several events in Panama City on…
A new exhibit from the Florida Public Archaeology Network aims to remind viewers of the impact Hurricane Michael left on the Panama City area, especially…
Filmmakers Carrie Hunter and Austin Hermann don’t want people to forget about Hurricane Michael.In their upcoming documentary, “Blue Tarps,” they tell the…
Your Gulf Power bill will be a bit higher soon, and they say you can blame Hurricane Michael. The Florida Public Service Commission unanimously approved a…
More than six months after Hurricane Michael hit Mexico Beach in the Panhandle with Category-5 clout, members of the state Cabinet and lawmakers gathered…
On the six month anniverary of Hurricane Michael, legislation to pump at least $315 million into the hurricane-battered Panhandle and to create a task…
Cleanup continues from Hurricane Michael, which hit 10 Panhandle counties in October, leaving nearly seven times the debris of Hurricane Irma, which…
Governor Ron DeSantis and Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Brock Long returned to Northwest Florida this week, as the region continues…
The 2018 Atlantic Hurricane is now over.The six-month period ended Friday, Nov. 30. In northwest Florida, the season is being remembered most for…