Ben Brotemarkle
Florida Frontiers HostDr. Florida Frontiers HostBrotemarkle is Associate Professor of Humanities and Department Chair at Brevard Community College in Titusville. As creator, producer and host of the weekly public radio program The Arts Connection on 90.7 WMFE-FM Orlando from 1992 to 2000, Brotemarkle covered the local arts and cultural scene including theater, music, dance, film, the visual arts, and literature. His award-winning features have been heard around the world on Voice of America Radio, across the country on National Public Radio, and throughout the state on Florida Public Radio.
Brotemarkle has a Ph.D. in Humanities and History from the Union Institute and University, a Master of Liberal Studies degree and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Humanities from Rollins College, and an Associate degree in Voice Performance from the Florida School of the Arts. Brotemarkle lives in Titusville with his wife Christina.