NPR for Florida's Great Northwest

21 Day Blog: Financial Fast Day Two

Consumerist Dot Com

Day Two:

Yesterday I blogged about starting the financial fast and what the "rules" are. I have to confess to already breaking one: on my first day I bought something!

It might have been a necessity: I spent $4.99 on an app that lets me remotely log in to my work computer (a Mac) via my iPad at home. Since I work with digital content and social media, having access to my work computer remotely is pretty important. Another digital expense that I bought BEFORE the fast went through today and, again, I think it is worthwhile to keep on the digital pulse. That one is a  subscription to so I can follow trending topics online. How else would I know that #hangoutfest is trending all over the entire southeast in anticipation of the #lineup being revealed tomorrow?!

But I stayed away from my usual vices: happy hour, coffee shops, and eating out. I know that for the fast to be successful for me I need to plan to cook at home and have food to bring to work for lunch. With that in mind I am sharing my meal plan this week.

Monday: Leftovers

Tuesday: Breakfast-for-dinner 
I have chickens so any excuse to eat eggs is a win! I really should have gone shopping today but didn't...

Wednesday: Potluck dinner with the neighbors. 
I am lucky to have awesome neighbors (they are all even WUWF members!) who are also great cooks. I am supposed to bring tomato and cucumber salad so I DEFINITELY have to go to the grocery store tomorrow.

Thursday: Carrot Ginger Soup with Coconut Shrimp
This weekend the WUWF crew is headed to the 30A Songwriting Fest and I am really looking forward to it. Although I get a food allowance for it I still want to try to keep it simple and cook at the house. I might even get to share my yummy cooking with my great WUWF colleagues! I feel like soup is convenience food grown up. I can make a big batch and then take it for lunch. The coconut shrimp portion of this just adds deliciousness.

Friday: Chicken Tikka Masala I have never made this before but something warm to put over rice sounds really tasty! Plus this sounds like something I could conceivably grocery shop for and bring to Seaside.

Saturday: Leftovers. Dinner out?

Sunday: Dirty Rice With Smoked Sausage Are you noticing a theme here? My better half is gluten-free so we tend towards rice plus these dishes always make tasty leftovers.

I will make it to the grocery store again Monday to plan for the next week! 

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